

Crown Point, IN


What Lights You Up?

What Lights You Up?

In the course of your day, what makes you happy, brings up your energy, and makes you feel truly alive?

What lights you up?

Did a number of things come to mind? Or are you still trying to think of something?

If you’re like me, food plays a role in this—getting together with friends and family to enjoy a delicious meal is a great way to spend part of my day.

How about your work? Are you excited to do whatever it is you spend a good amount of time committed to?

Travel, hobbies, volunteering, music, exercise—are only a few thoughts on this topic. Life is full.

If you’re struggling to come up with ideas, it’s probably affecting your overall health.

There’s a workout I do every week that really lights me up. It’s a group fitness class and the room is typically packed. The instructor is tough. She has mastered the art of pushing us to a level that keeps us all coming back for more.

The energy in the room is always through the roof. We whoop, holler, move and groove to the music, can’t wait until it’s over, and hope we live another day. Each time I survive that hour, I feel as though I can take on the world.

It’s a love/hate relationship.

I think anything that pushes us into the unknown can affect us the same way. We have the desire to try something new, but…what if we fail? What if we succeed?

We learn from messing up, rising above the failure, and giving it another go. The alternative is to stay safe. The alternative is to risk missing out on a great deal of happiness, energy, and life.

The alternative contributes to less than optimal health.

So, if you’d like to make a new recipe, try a group fitness class, change careers, take up golf, or write that book, what’s stopping you?

Fitness begins with food, and encompasses so much more. If you could use some help getting started on some new habits, I’d love to help. It’s my gift to you. We’ll consider the possibilities and ask, “What if…”

Courageously yours,

“Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.”—Winston Churchill


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