

Crown Point, IN


Now is Your Time

Now is Your Time

Are you waiting for the perfect time to deal with your nutrition, fitness, and health?

If so, when is that time?

Next week? Once you have a break in your busy schedule? When you clean out the pantry and buy some vegetables?

The truth is that there is no perfect time. Whether it’s starting a fitness routine, getting that dream job, learning a foreign language, or writing the book, the time to begin is today.

When we plan to eat smarter “someday,” or get to the gym when we “have time,” we end up doing nothing. Procrastination keeps us safe. If we do nothing, we don’t mess up.

Today, take a step. Do one small thing that moves you forward. If it isn’t the “perfect” time or seems insignificant, do it anyway.

Do the next right thing. It’s okay if you do it “badly.”    

Choose water over the soda. Park further away from your destination and walk at a rapid pace. Eat some protein for breakfast instead of only having coffee. Add an extra vegetable to your dinner.

Do one thing and build upon that. Do the best you can today, for tomorrow is not promised. Now is your time.

We sometimes look at others and think they have it all together. They have more time, more motivation, more talent.

YOU have it all together. Seize the day, seize the moment, and make your move.

If you have a feeling of overwhelm and aren’t sure where to begin, let me know. Overwhelm is a state of mind that we may choose to override by setting priorities. Sit quietly, close your eyes, and take some deep breaths for a couple minutes.

Now is your time.

Cheers to you,

 “If you are depressed, you are living in the past. If you are anxious, you are living in the future. If you are at peace, you are living in the present.”—Lao Tzu

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